Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course overview

    • Purpose of this course

    • Overview of what is covered

  • 2

    Introducing consultations

    • Objectives of Module 1: Introducing consultations

    • What is consultation and what is it for? (1/2)

    • What is consultation and what is it for? (2/2)

    • What is the purpose of consultation?

    • Different kinds of consultation

    • Better evidence for better analysis

    • Cabinet Office Consultation Principles

    • Consultation within the policymaking cycle

    • Summary of Module 1: Introducing consultations

  • 3

    Thinking about how to consult

    • Objectives of Module 2: Thinking about how to consult

    • Explaining the why…

    • How will you use the response?

    • Types of information and response

    • Who and why

    • Early engagement

    • Summary of Module 2: Thinking about how to consult

  • 4

    Planning a consultation

    • Objectives of Module 3: Planning a consultation

    • Planning and formatting your consultation

    • Methods of consultation (example 1 of 3)

    • Methods of consultation (example 2 of 3)

    • Methods of consultation (example 3 of 3)

    • Fictional case study – flight departures

    • Know your audience

    • Reaching out

    • Reaching out - Quiz

    • Engaging the hard-to-reach

    • Bad timing

    • The long and short game

    • Adjusting for the volume

    • Planning for human resource

    • Summary of Module 3: Planning a consultation

  • 5

    Writing the formal consultation

    • Objectives of Module 4: Writing the formal consultation

    • What information goes in the consultation?

    • What, Why and With Clarity

    • Clear questions for informative answers (1/2)

    • Clear questions for informative answers (2/2)

    • Unclear questions produce unclear evidence

    • Match the following imprecise questions to the given types:

    • Are you accessible?

    • Diminishing returns

    • Transparency and Freedom of Information

    • Pre-launch checklist

    • Summary of Module 4: Writing the formal consultation

  • 6

    When the consultation closes

    • Objectives of Module 5: When the consultation closes

    • How to follow up when the consultation closes

    • Analysis of consultation responses

    • The Government’s response

    • Keeping the public engaged

    • Recording your findings for future use

    • What the RPC expects from consultations (1/2)

    • What the RPC expects from consultations (2/2)

    • Summary of Module 5: When the consultation closes

  • 7

    Course summary

    • Course summary

    • Key points to remember

    • Top tips for useful consultation responses

    • Further resources

    • Contact

  • 8

    End-of-course survey

    • End-of-course survey